For the Erasmus program, the countries also agreed on an associated project, Etwinning, with the same name. During the year, they perform various activities together.
October 2020
Introduction of countries, schools, school surroundings
November 2020
A questionnaire was conducted.
- who knows about the country - the evaluation has not yet taken place.
December 2020
1. Introduction of your village
our presentation - created by students 8.year. Dolne_Oresany.pptx
2. we wrote Christmas greetings
3. we created project logos
The logo for our school for this project and the logo for the whole program were designed by Magdaléna V. (8th grade).
program logo
school logo for project
4. we sent each other postcards
Our postcards were made by Júlia B. (8th grade)
we received postcards.

January 2020
1. Online lesson
27.1.2020 - the first online meeting of 8th and 9th year students. our school with students from Spain
2. introduction of all students who will collaborate on the project - video recording (in preparation)
February 2021
1. publishing videos in Twinspace
March 2021
1. project creation - Local products
May 2021
1. 2nd online lesson with a partner school from France

Partners from France sent us local products for tasting, followed by the first activity, where we guessed what we were talking about with the help of clues. In the second activity, we guessed about the different products, people and things that are on the farm - using the pantomime they played. The third activity was dancing. The activities were great, we had a lot of fun and got to know our partners from France.
Teachers from the countries are in constant contact (regular meetings, plus communication via social networks).